Council - Wednesday 28 February 2024, 4:00pm - Wrexham Council Webcasts
Wednesday, 28th February 2024 at 4:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of personal interests, if any
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Cllr Marc Jones
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Debbie Wallice
Cllr Debbie Wallice
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Trevor Bates
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Dana Davies
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Agenda item :
3 To receive any petitions or answer any public questions under Section 4.18 and 4.19 of the Council's Constitution
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Agenda item :
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Agenda item :
5 Mayor's Announcements
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Agenda item :
6 Minutes of the Executive Board and Committees
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Agenda item :
7 Revenue Budget and Council Tax Setting 2024/25
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Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Marc Jones
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Dana Davies
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Robert Ian Williams
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Robert Ian Williams
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Robert Ian Williams
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Robert Ian Williams
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Dana Davies
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr David A Bithell
Swyddog Officer
Cllr David A Bithell
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Stella Matthews
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Stella Matthews
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Ronnie Prince
Cllr Mike Davies
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Jeremy Kent
Cllr Beverley Parry-Jones
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Agenda item :
8 Revision of 2023/24 Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy
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Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Debbie Wallice
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr David A Bithell
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Swyddog Officer
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Cllr Mark Pritchard
Cllr Beverley Parry-Jones
Agenda item :
9 Appointment of Parent Governor Co-opted Members to the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee
Agenda item :
10 Draft Statement of Gambling Policy
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Cllr Beryl Blackmore
Webcast Finished